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Plank 4 minutes, 28 days – a new Body!


Plank 4 minutes, 28 days – a new Body!

The title Plank 4 minutes, 28 days – a new Body!! of this post seems so simple, is not it?

But it is not!

It was built upon the approval of thousands of people worldwide.

And many of these people are our readers who have seen this plank method here, they trusted, and they did have resulted a sturdier body and a fully defined abdomen. Some people ignore it based only on pessimism. For in fact it is one of the most effective exercises to strengthen the central part of the body. It is one of the most powerful workouts to define the muscles of the buttocks, arms and legs. It melts fat deposits and strengthens internal and external muscles of the back and abdomen. This method, also known as “Plank challenge” was designed to last only four weeks. The good thing is that your level of difficulty increases gradually with the sequence of training days. On the first day, it is only 20 seconds and the goal is progressing day by day achieve four minutes without interruption. As muscle strength increase in the final phase, the body will be more resistant. The most important of this exercise is to do it properly. Amounts to the body like a plank and support each other’s hands, arms and toes on the ground. It is essential to raise the upper body and stay in a straight line.

See the video below.

Even in English, you can understand what is the correct position. Next, we will continue with our explanation.

After what he saw, there is no doubt about the right position, is not it?

Then you can start. The ideal is to practice in the morning.

See below the 1st practice time after 28 days:

DAY 1 – 20 seconds

Day 2 – 20 seconds

3 Day – 30 seconds

Day 4 – 30 seconds

Day 5 – 40 seconds

Day 6 – Rest

Daily 7 – 45 seconds

Day 8 – 45 seconds

Day 9 – 60 seconds

Day 10 – 60 seconds

Day 11 – 60 seconds

Day 12 – 90 seconds

Day 13 – Rest

was 14-90 seconds

Day 15 – 90 seconds

16th – 120/2

17th – 120/2

18 – 150 seconds

Day 19 – Rest

Day 20-150 seconds

Day 21 – 150 seconds

Day 22 – 180 seconds

23 – 180 seconds

24 – 210/2

25 – rest

26 – 210/2

27 – 240 seconds

28 – more than 240 seconds and remain in position as much as possible.


They can not do this challenge people with serious health problems and column deviations.

Hypertensive heart disease also should not practice it.

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